lovely little tits on this girlI was cruising around looking for hot small titty chicks to add to this site when I came across this girl. Now, I honestly don’t have any idea what her name is, I think she is latina (I will explain why in a minute) . She is quite a little hotty!

First off, her lovely little tits. These are some fine examples of the tiniest of tits, yet she still looks very feminine and all grown up. I am sure that her nipples are super sensitive… want to give them a lick?

Anyway, I found two galleries for this girl, both from a live chat site. One of them is a general area gallery, and one promotes their latina chat area (which is why I think she is latina). One thing for sure, this girl has got a stunning pair of legs and a very meaty pussy that she loves to spread… you will see, this girl is sexy.

Overall the picture quality on these galleries is so-so, but honestly, her tiny tits more than make up for it!

Click here for the first galleryclick here for the second gallery.